Paper vs. Electronics, RFID vs. barcode - Electronic labels and RFID go their way
Reader & access points

The infrastructure for Auto-ID and location systems
For the operation of electronic label (eLabel) and of RFID and tracking systems, the structure or the existence of a corresponding infrastructure is necessary. This is formed by stationary or mobile reader and access points that i.d.R. are connected via LAN or WLAN with each other and with the data server.
The required number of readers and access points is mainly dependent on the size and nature of the areas (geometry, fixtures, etc.), are to be operated within which eLabel or RFID transponders.
An important criterion for the selection and arrangement of RFID readers and Accespoints is the band you want to communicate on and possibly also localized. It is essential to ensure that the planned eLabel-, RFID or tracking solution is not strongly negatively affected by other radio systems or even disturbed. For safety reasons (the so-called radio coverage.) Should prior to system selection and installation, a radio measurement can be performed as part of a proof of concept (POC).
With the exception of RFID in the LF range (100-135 kHz) and operate all of our RFID and positioning applications in the ISM frequency band (ISM = Industrial, Scientifical, Medical) , This frequency band is reserved primarily for applications in the fields of industry, science and medicine.
Technical specifications
Solconia provides RFID readers and access points in the following areas
- Stationary and mobile reader for passive RFID in the LF range 100-135 kHz
- Stationary and mobile reader for passive RFID in the RF range 13.56 MHz
- Stationary and mobile reader for passive RFID in the UHF band 860-960 MHz
- Access Points and anchor transponders for active RFID and tracking in the range 2.4-2.5 GHz
- Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) access points for active RFID and tracking in the range 2.4-2.5 GHz
- Access Points and anchor transponders for active RFID and UWB locating in the range 3-6 GHz