Transparent information, fewer errors, lower costs
Order management
Order management and continuous optimization of production orders within the meaning Industry 4.0
The complete track of your production orders in real-time using RFID in combination with machine data collection and e-Kanban makes your manufacturing processes effectively and add value. Expensive and demotivating search operations are avoided.
Every order, the work tracker card and / or the (small parts) load carriers (KLT) are tracked using RFID. To order, charge or container identification electronic tags (eLabel) as paper replacement and passive and active transponders are used.
The data on work progress (start and end time, time spent, either with employees related) are automatically reported for the individual work, assembly and machine stations and at the desired transition points between the production units or storage areas and written to the database. Here are preferably RFID access points and scanners are used which can detect with their situation-specific and cascadable antennas data selectively and economically over long distances with high reading reliability. Other data come as feedback from the machine and plant control, as well as the e-Kanban systems.
With clear production cockpits can be recognized in the future and improve productivity via codes. An early warning system immediately points to situations where productivity is below. Through these tools, you and your employees work easily, quickly and efficiently.
The integration of industry 4.0 into your existing ERP system can be realized in a very short time. You can use the solution as Software as a Service (SaaS) use (simple and as needed in our secure cloud) or you use it in your own data center (base VM-Ware).