Transparent information, fewer errors, lower costs
Asset management
From goods in production processes, on containers and carriers in the logistics and measuring instruments in laboratories to files or inventory in offices or libraries – in almost all value-added processes to move high-quality, mobile and partly sensitive objects and equipment, so-called assets. These usually have to be found quickly, flexibly and in good condition. But what happens when an asset is, for example, urgently needed for the completion of a customer contract, but can not be found?
With the Solconia Asset Manager movable assets can be managed and tracked via RFID in your business. But also in the inter-company transport the location and the status of various assets, such as containers, carriers or swap bodies, by GPS and RFID can be perfectly managed. The tracking system in conjunction with our various tracking systems takes over the complete tracking of your assets. Also on the respective states of your assets (full, empty, cleaned or dirty, checked or broken), you are informed by sensor systems implemented at any time.
The automatically generated data is collected, processed on your company specific requirements and then put available on different platforms (PC, tablets, smartphones). Your inventory or data maintenance processes are accelerated and improved safety stock and new acquisitions can be reduced. And the whole thing with a significantly reduced time and hundreds of staff time.